There are currently more than 125 million people in Japan.
Only ~0.5% of Japanese profess Christ as their Lord and Savior.
The Gospel
The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16)
The church
God will build His church upon the foundation of Christ (Matt. 16:18)

Hi, we’re the Shirrells, missionaries to Japan. Our desire is to see many souls in Japan saved and discipled through evangelism and church planting. We pray that, through our fervent prayers, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and through the information on this website, God would burden the hearts of many more to join us in our efforts of reaching Japan with the Gospel.
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Shirrells to Japan is a ministry of Graceway Baptist Church in Springfield, MO, USA, and works alongside the Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI). Donations can be made to this ministry through Graceway Baptist Church or through the BBFI. Both are 501c3 non-profit entities.